Every year (and in some cases every day) I feel differently about my life than I did the previous year or day. This year I feel much better than last year, while still feeling very at war with myself. Allow me to explain:
Sometime in the past 5 years, I was introduced to Simon Sinek and presented with the notion of finding my why. "Why do you do what you do?" is an of the prevailing question in Simon Sinek's book. On the surface, this seems like a wonderful question. Indeed, I thought it was a wonderful question for a long time. However, since that moment in time, I have come to the conclusion that it is a very difficult question to answer, matched only by the question, "who am I?" The question of, "why" stirs up all sorts of thoughts and emotions that intertwine but do not connect. If I were to ask myself, "why are you writing a blog today?" I would be able to answer the question, but only in a form that was sufficient for the present moment. Before the hour was done, I would probably have a new answer to the question. In any case, my present answer to the question at hand is that I have not written in many months, and I am looking to get back into the habit of writing. Rather than trying to write a book all in one sitting, I will be spending the next several months, just putting a few words down in the hopes that something will come of the dialogue. With all of that said, thank you for your continued support in my creative ventures. I have yet to figure out what I want to do in life, but I have renewed clarity of what I do not want to do in life. Until next time, Chris Comments are closed.
Welcome to the blog! I've republished some of my favorite entries from previous blogs (found in the archives) and I am constantly creating new content for this section. As with the rest of this website, I hope you enjoy reading and exploring the many ventures I am undertaking. Thanks for stopping by! - Chris Archives
July 2024