Hi everyone! I hope you all are having a wonderful day. It's hard to believe that we are already in May of 2022. Time flies when you are having fun! Speaking of fun, recently I visited Waco, TX with my family for the 2022 Silo District Marathon. It was a great vacation, and the weather was fine all weekend. We spent some time hanging out with my brother on Friday. Then on Saturday, mom, dad, Nick, Noelle, and Kaylee all ran the 5k. I cheered them on from the finish line, and then we all spent the rest of the day hanging out, and eating food. The very next day, we got up early and walked over to Magnolia for the start of the Marathon. It was nice and cool, but still warm enough for shorts. Overall, the race was really fun! I had a great time in Waco, and I was grateful for everyone who came out to put the marathon on. Here's a video highlighting the week: Comments are closed.
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July 2024